By WellFineThen - 17/04/2017 05:00 - United States - Cedar Falls

Today, at work, a woman screamed at me and called me a bitch because I refused to refund something we give away for free. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 987
You deserved it 281

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Reminds me of my job at a call centre. They got shomi for free with their subscription and then shomi just kinda shut itself down, nothing we had to do with it. And we got countless customers calling in saying that they deserve to be compensated for it being closed down. Sorry, we're not giving you a credit for a service you never paid for. Which they somehow never seem to understand. I feel your pain op.

Take back the item and offer her a store credit to choose any other free sample she wants. Sometimes the best way to deal with stupidity is not to fight it, but to roll with it.


Reminds me of my job at a call centre. They got shomi for free with their subscription and then shomi just kinda shut itself down, nothing we had to do with it. And we got countless customers calling in saying that they deserve to be compensated for it being closed down. Sorry, we're not giving you a credit for a service you never paid for. Which they somehow never seem to understand. I feel your pain op.

Don't worry OP, some people are just thick beyond repair.

Take back the item and offer her a store credit to choose any other free sample she wants. Sometimes the best way to deal with stupidity is not to fight it, but to roll with it.

WeirdUS 29

Sounds good at the time, but reenforcing the customers bad behavior is not the way to go.

This is one area where would not stick my neck out to call out bad behavior

Yeaaaah, no. This reinforces their behavior and causes them to come back and try it all the time, at your store and at other stores because "Well ____ at ____ store let me do it, so you have to let me!" Source: Worked retail for 6 years.

Did your confrontations with customers advance your career?

Viewerv 2

Most stores have rules about refunds. I would start docking your pay if you started costing me money by handing out unnecessary store credit.

I was offering the irate customer store credit to get another free item. Free items cost nothing so you have no basis from which to dock my pay. It's just a charade to allow the idiot customer feel "cared for."

Viewerv is the epitome of management. Finds fault with an idea he didn't comprehend.

Draw a picture of "money," whatever denomination and hand it over.

A month of working retail should be mandatory. Hopefully it would thin out twit-headed customers like these.

WeirdUS 29

I'd say at least 2 months during the rush hour. I figure working at the busiest time of the night would drive the point home better especially after doing it for 2 months.

talaswolf 20

I'm a cashier in retail and I think they should have to work during the Christmas season when it is the worst and people are the rudest!

Cyberpope 3

Yup, the customer isn't always right -- often they're an arsehole!

Every post on NotAlwaysRight in a nutshell

I think everyone should work in a service industry for at least a year after high school. This country would be a much nicer place.

I also read for some really outrageous stuff.