By anonymous - 12/08/2009 21:01 - United States

Today, I went with my girlfriend to her parents' house. They told me I smelled of cheap vodka. When I told them I worked in a bio lab and used ethanol a lot, they said I was too stupid to do anything like that. My girlfriend broke up with me because her parents think I'm a drunk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 885
You deserved it 3 413

Same thing different taste

Top comments

airbornerose 0

Wow. Sounds like the girlfriend is the idiot.

I think there's more to this story than a 300-character-limit allows. (or whatever number it actually is)


I work in a biological lab as well, and work with different kinds of ethanol a lot too. At least enough to know that it doesn't leave an odour after it evaporates. So just confess the wodka, ok.. ;)

I could believe this as parents would say it to his face with protection of their daughter from a 'drunk' and I'm studying a course in university that involves alot of chemistry and I've come home after classes many times stinking of ethanol. pretty much smells like vodka

think of it this way, do you really wanna go out with somebody like that?

Good riddance, she's obviously an immature and completely without confidence.

If her parents were that stupid, she's probably not too bright herself. A drunk is going to be totally composed (probably driving, too), and explain to them about their job at a bio lab. Doesn't look like she's a real loss at all.

And she listened to her parents? Well hey, if they hadn't thought you were a drunk she would have broken up with you the next time they had doubts about you. I say good riddance :)

Do you really want to live with a retard like her?

joethebiden 8

Idiot bitch raised by idiot parents. Good riddance, my friend.

You're better off in the long run, she obviously isn't ready for a relationship yet as she's still too attached to her parents.