By anonymous - 12/08/2009 21:01 - United States

Today, I went with my girlfriend to her parents' house. They told me I smelled of cheap vodka. When I told them I worked in a bio lab and used ethanol a lot, they said I was too stupid to do anything like that. My girlfriend broke up with me because her parents think I'm a drunk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 885
You deserved it 3 413

Same thing different taste

Top comments

airbornerose 0

Wow. Sounds like the girlfriend is the idiot.

I think there's more to this story than a 300-character-limit allows. (or whatever number it actually is)


**** them all, you're better off without them assholes.

tifney737 0

I'm thinking possibly fake because you were meeting her parents so they didn't have a clue as to your intelligence level and your girlfriend should already know what you do for a job

In all honesty, I think the girlfriend wanted to dump you in the first place and pleaded with her parents to be asses to you so she'd have an excuse. Intuitive leap, yes. Probable, no. Possible, yes.

Show them a employee id/pay stub from your employer

Why bother making the effort? If people are set on something, you could get God to prove them wrong and they wouldn't budge. It's just not worth it, more sensible to cut your losses and move on.

Heh, that would have made for an excellent comeback.

Siren_00 0

You should be glad you are rid of them then, if both the girlfriend and her parents are that judgemental/ignorant.

Dude I would have bounced on that relationship the second I found out the parents were like that anyway.

sorry ur girlfriend is a dumb bitch.. who does that?

ethanol doesnt smell like vodka really, a Chem lab would sound better probably