By Joey - 26/08/2018 13:00

Today, I stepped outside my house for the first time in a year, trying to socialize again. I broke my leg. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 664
You deserved it 316

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Unfortunately you may have more issues than just a broken leg. I would definitely get yourself checked out, not leaving your house for a year straight is not healthy. Best of luck.

Now you have an ice breaker for next time! get well soon op :)


Now you have an ice breaker for next time! get well soon op :)

Unfortunately you may have more issues than just a broken leg. I would definitely get yourself checked out, not leaving your house for a year straight is not healthy. Best of luck.

samomaha 17

BRavo for the effort, OP! I'm sorry that it ended the way that it did. But keep at it and youw ill find it gets easier and better. Sign me, Been There Done That.

at least now you can socialize with the doctors and nurses who put on your cast

Are you agoraphobic or did you have a serious illness that prevented you from leaving the house? And how did you break your leg?

Come on; OP can simply roll outside in a wheelchair or use crutches.