Don't bother

By NoticeTheLackOfNumbers - 12/08/2009 22:43 - United States

Today, I was at the store when I saw that a cart in the checkout line next to me was starting to roll away and the owner hadn't noticed. I tried to help by reaching out to stop the cart from moving, but when the owner saw me with the cart, she began to hit me for trying to steal her purse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 759
You deserved it 3 257

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Punch that bitch in her ***** mouth. No wait, thats how I got my restraining order......


Ryu148 0

Ah, idealism. No, the phrase is "no good deed goes unpunished". Its a real favorite of cynical people.

average_girl 0

@1 hahah u took the words right outta my mouth.

#2 yay for maturity OP: old lady's are weird like that, for some reason they always assume people are going to steal their useless crap... but i would've taken the purse anyway

writerajere 0

did you at least get her purse ?

Punch that bitch in her ***** mouth. No wait, thats how I got my restraining order......

prettykitty123 0
no1askdu 5

People need to stop jumping to conclusions. You should have took her purse and smacked her in the face with it. .. Ungreatful bitch.

cherlana32 0

Shove her cart as hard as you can in the opposite direction. And laugh.

I thought you were going to say "into her" And then I got thoughts