By Anonymous - 12/05/2009 23:08 - United States

Today, I went to the gym for the first time in a while and realized that I can lift way more with my left hand than with my right even though I am right handed. I also realized that I jack off with my left hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 013
You deserved it 59 014

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nyxen 0

That's pretty impressive really. Maybe you should switch it up from time to time, and then you'd be able to do serious lifting with both arms.

hahah same. i lose arm wrestling when i use my right hand, but whenever i use my left, i own.


Haha, this is funny, but not really FML worthy. I'd say a lot of people would be in your position.

deannamarie12 0

I agree with #1. So are you pissed off now that you can't jack off with your right hand. Get over it OP be happy you can with atleast one hand lol :P

well then start doing it with your right hand!!!!!

too bad this is fake. masturbation only works the forearm. pinche pendejo

KrazyKatz3 26

Guys this is an FML it was approved.

hahah same. i lose arm wrestling when i use my right hand, but whenever i use my left, i own.

Nyxen 0

That's pretty impressive really. Maybe you should switch it up from time to time, and then you'd be able to do serious lifting with both arms.

Hahaha! That's excellent [: Switch it up sometimes - you'll be a veritable muscle-man!

Nyxen 0

"Today, I realized I ********** a lot which must mean I am a huge loser who can't get a girl. FML." I guess that's what they meant to post. Though personally I think masturbation is an important and beautiful thing. As long as you're not doing it in front of strangers or people who are upset by it.

Wittlestalker 0

Hahaha, my boyfriend realized the same thing and when he told me I had to laugh at him. That's not an FML though, you just work out your left hand more. Try to find something to do with the right hand.

You should try both hands, give 'em both a work out!