Weirdo cousin

By notyourbaby - 07/03/2021 19:58

Today, I found out my cousin stole my used pregnancy test and ultrasound pictures the last time she came to visit, and tried to fake a pregnancy. This was two years ago when she stayed at my house. I just found out I'm pregnant again, and guess who just asked to come to stay and "visit"? FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 259
You deserved it 84

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why does your cousin apparently want to fake a pregnancy? Is it still a thing that some girls/women fake pregnancy to get a marriage proposal? Or is cousin suffering from some need for attention that she thinks pregnancy will bring her? Or is it something else?

tounces7 27

This has always been a thing and likely always will be. She's likely using to manipulate someone.


1 Marjorie Taylor Greene 2 Beyoncé 3 Brett Favre I love guessing games. Just make sure whoever it is that they pay for your pregnancy test and the co-pay for the ultrasound. Let me know when I win!

Why does your cousin apparently want to fake a pregnancy? Is it still a thing that some girls/women fake pregnancy to get a marriage proposal? Or is cousin suffering from some need for attention that she thinks pregnancy will bring her? Or is it something else?

tounces7 27

This has always been a thing and likely always will be. She's likely using to manipulate someone.

Warp1978 15
J15237 25

Have you asked her why she did that? I feel like the explanation of that situation would be hilarious. For you, CONGRATULATIONS!

So...keeping your positive pee stick is a thing now? Just huck it and she won't get it. Put the ultrasound photos away so she can't get them? I mean, if she's done it before then you obviously know to not keep the items out of available.