By ringhider - 08/10/2010 16:55 - France

Today, I was working my shift at the restaurant as a waiter when the girl I've been in love with for 4 years came in with her boyfriend. He asked me to hide the ring in their dessert. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 637
You deserved it 6 953

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you were just in love with her and never stepped up to ask her out or anything, you have no one to really blame but yourself.

perdix 29

Which one, the Sahara, the Kalahari or the Mohave? No wonder she chose him, you're a poor waiter and he's so rich, he owns a ******* desert! (The after-meal treat is a dessert.)


Why is she not worth it. Seems to me this is a case of someone (op) living unrealistically and not knowing when to let go. He deserved this. Maybe hell finally move on. This is not the girls fault! And it's jaded to assume so.

Look, it's another case of heartbreak, as a result of someone's closet affection for someone else. No sympathy. YDI.

You can't be in love with someone like that, op is just lusting after a girl. Big difference

KBaby1234 0

dude you just should just go after her for real

icadragoon 11

For those of you who said YDI, me and my now boyfriend when we first dated knew we were in love and never told each other. 6 years after that we found each other on Facebook and confessed our love at the first time, we both thought we lost our chances but in reality never did. I wouldn't call this a YDI because of the sheer fact that just because it won't work out in his favor now, doesn't mean it won't work out in his favor later.

put it in his steak. he'll swallow it choke and die. win you.