By ringhider - 08/10/2010 16:55 - France

Today, I was working my shift at the restaurant as a waiter when the girl I've been in love with for 4 years came in with her boyfriend. He asked me to hide the ring in their dessert. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 637
You deserved it 6 953

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you were just in love with her and never stepped up to ask her out or anything, you have no one to really blame but yourself.

perdix 29

Which one, the Sahara, the Kalahari or the Mohave? No wonder she chose him, you're a poor waiter and he's so rich, he owns a ******* desert! (The after-meal treat is a dessert.)


and you probably did. that's why he has her and u don't

{shiver} Brilliant, ladies. Do it, OP! Do it now! Excellent.

Wise words up until the last line. OP might've tried and failed.

Why does everyone always assume he never said anything? And him thinking he's in love does not give him the right to ruin things for the man who is proposing. Saying something is not a great idea unless you really think she's been stringing her bf along for the length of their relationship while hoping a waiter would come whisk her away. Chances are good she is in love with her bf.

demonlove 0

I would've told him no do it your damn self

if you loved her for 4 years but she has a bf is a little weird. seems like you had a big crush