By ringhider - 08/10/2010 16:55 - France

Today, I was working my shift at the restaurant as a waiter when the girl I've been in love with for 4 years came in with her boyfriend. He asked me to hide the ring in their dessert. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 637
You deserved it 6 953

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you were just in love with her and never stepped up to ask her out or anything, you have no one to really blame but yourself.

perdix 29

Which one, the Sahara, the Kalahari or the Mohave? No wonder she chose him, you're a poor waiter and he's so rich, he owns a ******* desert! (The after-meal treat is a dessert.)



dude.. 4 years!?! why didn't you spit game to even see if she was takin???

go to a ***** house and get a bitch! drink the best champagne...and send her one bottle of champagne and roses with a little note "champagne & roses" enjoy!

Hopersz 0

Dude. Screw the ring tell her how u feel before that damn ring gets placed in her dessert. Go for it. It may cause you your job by causing a scene but if u have loved her for that long then step in n say somethin. Grow some damn balls n be a man bro

justmyluck1212 0

this is the part where u hide the ring in the guy's drink & hopes he chokes on it

lollieslollies 0
fakkumairaifu 14

You've done nothing for FOUR YEARS? **** off. Grow a spine and quit wallowing.

I guess you could say... he got his just deserts..... OHHHHAHAHAHAHaha

samadams42 0

dude that's never easy but on the same hand I agree with 2 if you didn't step up for four years it's kinda your fault but none the less it sucks so FYL

Zombie65 0

funny this one second fml this week that came straight from a Grey's Anatomy plot

wolfshadow 4

Fail spelled joke. plus it was done before you haha.