By ringhider - 08/10/2010 16:55 - France

Today, I was working my shift at the restaurant as a waiter when the girl I've been in love with for 4 years came in with her boyfriend. He asked me to hide the ring in their dessert. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 637
You deserved it 6 953

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you were just in love with her and never stepped up to ask her out or anything, you have no one to really blame but yourself.

perdix 29

Which one, the Sahara, the Kalahari or the Mohave? No wonder she chose him, you're a poor waiter and he's so rich, he owns a ******* desert! (The after-meal treat is a dessert.)


haileelee15 0

If your not hotter than him than get over it lol if you've loved her for four years and you haven't tried anything than you must not have loved her all that much. " if you love someone let them go, if they don't come back they weren't yours in the 1st place. "

spartan_girl 0

I always find these "the person I've been in love with for X years" FMLs hard to judge/Not enough information... Did you date at one point, fall in love with her, and she broke it off? Have you just been lusting after her from a distance? Are you friends and you're just afraid of ruining the friendship or she's always had a boyfriend? I guess it doesn't matter if OP actually loves her or just lusts after her or something, it would still be difficult to be in this situation. But I think in many cases, this isn't actually love. I'm not saying you can't be in love with someone you haven't dated, just that I know a lot of people (myself included) who thought they were in love with someone without getting to know them very well, but then realized it was just lust/idealizing them.

KattAlex 4

You didn't make a move and she had a boyfriend. So, basically he had all the rights to purpose. Go to the wedding and hook up with a brides maid invited or not.

iiAteCookies 0
Illyssa_fml 4

Ydi for being a creeper and "being in love" with someone you never even dated who obviously doesn't love you...

you dumb *****. just be HAPPY for her and GET OVER IT!

I say get over it and find someone else to love. you're never going to be with this girl, obviously!

johnnie254 7

awwww shiiiiitttt.... but in some ways you never stepped up. now someone has to take your crown