By jakethemuss - 09/08/2014 23:03 - Australia - Perth

Today, I proposed to the love of my life by having the waitress place the ring in her dessert. She ate the whole thing and didn't find the ring. I guess the waitress stole the ring. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 958
You deserved it 6 734

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Or she swallowed it. Just wait a day or so to make sure. Toilet proposals are cute too.

little_star78 13

What makes someone think they can get away with something like that? The restaurant she works for would obviously have all her info, it wouldn't be that hard for the police to track her down. Sorry op :( hope you get the ring back or at least had it insured.


Or she swallowed it. Just wait a day or so to make sure. Toilet proposals are cute too.

She could start her own business and call it Butt Baubles. This is how millionaires are made.

trellz17 19

Your comment made me laugh so hard!

Baby, pls do u mind going through your poop for the next 3days??? And if you find a ring willl u please marry me? Love u. Gotta go

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If she swallowed the ring, It can be like that episode of two and a half men!

calliet145 14

Nowhere in this FML does it say the dessert was ice cream...if it were a brownie or cake, she could very well have swallowed it without noticing.

I feel like you'd still notice with cake or brownies though. I mean, unless you swallow it without chewing, but even then, wouldn't you notice something hard sliding down your throat?

Don't you chew cakes or brownies before swallowing it though? Pretty sure that's how you choke.

RedPillSucks 31

What if it was one of those walnut brownies?

Kyle1dc 17

I can see the proposal story now... Mom: How did he propose? Spouse: Oh you know, with a nice romantic bottle of laxatives...

katebond 16

maybe the waitress wants to marry you now ;)

What a great story to tell at family gatherings! "We met at a restaurant when she stole the extremely expensive ring intended for my girlfriend at the time. It was love at first lawsuit."

Wow man sorry hopefully she just swallowed it and if not then call the reastaurants managment.

little_star78 13

What makes someone think they can get away with something like that? The restaurant she works for would obviously have all her info, it wouldn't be that hard for the police to track her down. Sorry op :( hope you get the ring back or at least had it insured.

Yeah but can he prove it though if there weren't any cameras? If the police do not find the ring, it will be OP's word against the waitress's.

Respect101 17

Well most restaurants have cameras. So let's hope this falls under most restaurants.

Well considering he told her about the ring, put the ring into desert (whatever it was), and then the waitress was the last person to touch it before his girlfriend ate it and the ring was gone.....I'm pretty sure that is proof enough she took it.

Not necessarily... For all we know she DID put it in the dessert; but delivered it to a different table. Sometimes the most obvious answer isn't always what happened.

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wellthen7154 12

Hopefully NOTHING is STUCK in anyone's intestines. It's supposed to to through them.

Leprekhaun 14

Through them?! That's also dangerous!

meghan7810 16

So your logic here is, if the ring is in the intestine then he's only marrying her intestine. Remind me how people only marry the finger of the person they're engaged to.

Tell the manager or the boss of the restaurant about what she did and get it back! But first, make sure you know she did not swallow it.

That totally sucks! I hope the waitress gets fired!

Was the ring supposed to be visible when it was being served?

I'm guessing it was hidden inside of the dessert.