By ringhider - 08/10/2010 16:55 - France

Today, I was working my shift at the restaurant as a waiter when the girl I've been in love with for 4 years came in with her boyfriend. He asked me to hide the ring in their dessert. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 637
You deserved it 6 953

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you were just in love with her and never stepped up to ask her out or anything, you have no one to really blame but yourself.

perdix 29

Which one, the Sahara, the Kalahari or the Mohave? No wonder she chose him, you're a poor waiter and he's so rich, he owns a ******* desert! (The after-meal treat is a dessert.)


what is with all these dudes on this site claiming they are "in love with" some chick they aren't even dating? it's absolutely pathetic. you clearly have NO idea what real love is.

You don't have to be 'dating' someone to be in love with them.. There are many situations out there where people do love each other, yet they're not in any sort of relationship just yet. The only people who know what love is, is those who have experienced it. In my opinion anyway.

You're in love with her for four years if you haven't asked her out YDI Are you one of those creepers that stalk girls thinking you're in love ?

I bet you hid it real good so she swallows it

BroSkitLove 0

Just because she chose someone else doesn't mean OP should be an ass to him. he has no right.

ht54039 0

bro, ik how you feel! but there's plenty of beautiful women out there who you will love and visa versa. please don't sulk or become depressed about it. I did that and it did nothing for me.

bs this is from an episode of greys anatomy

deltako_isgee 0

Awww That's Depressing v_v Sucks For You!... You Kinda Deserved It For Not Having The Balls To Tell Her That You Loved Her.. Come On Now.. 4 Years!? You Had The Chanceee!

SoldieroftheLORD 0