
By Anonymous - 08/12/2021 05:01

Today, I asked my sister why she doesn’t visit our dad in hospital anymore. He’s been in a coma for months, but what she said was just nasty. Apparently, if she wanted to talk to a vegetable, she’d yell into the fridge once a week, at least it would save her the long bus ride. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 484
You deserved it 186

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's so mean. But kinda funny, too, you gotta admit. You should be ashamed for laughing at that. I am.

Your sister is obviously in a lot of pain. The wording of the reaction shows her frustration from not being able to communicate with her dad. And instead, just watch him laying there behind her reach. What she said is not horrible, it's a cry of frustration and pain, treat it like that. Help her talk about it, help her face her feeling, and to handle the pain. There is also no shame in going to therapy for that. The situation you describe is probably not easy on you her or anyone else in your family. Be there for each other, it will be worth it in the long run.


That's so mean. But kinda funny, too, you gotta admit. You should be ashamed for laughing at that. I am.

randybryant799 20

That's awful that she would say that.

Your sister is obviously in a lot of pain. The wording of the reaction shows her frustration from not being able to communicate with her dad. And instead, just watch him laying there behind her reach. What she said is not horrible, it's a cry of frustration and pain, treat it like that. Help her talk about it, help her face her feeling, and to handle the pain. There is also no shame in going to therapy for that. The situation you describe is probably not easy on you her or anyone else in your family. Be there for each other, it will be worth it in the long run.

This. Grief sucks, and sometimes it can make people irrationally angry and lash out. I can’t say for sure that that’s what is going on here, but it’s a possibility.

Dirtysalamander1 13

we can't choose blood related but we can choose who is family.