By Anonymous - 13/08/2009 07:24 - United States

Today, I was smoking a cigarette while watching the meteor shower. I was just about at the filter and as I was taking my last drag, my friend decided to scare me from behind, and I accidentally sucked the whole thing in my mouth. They don't go out immediately when in your mouth. My tongue hurts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 327
You deserved it 56 143

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AndelleRae 9

Ugh, that's awful. I can only imagine how that tasted. I'm not going to be a bitch and be one of the high and mighty who say "ydi because you smoke!" because it's none of my damn business. FYL for the disgusting taste and FYL for burning your tongue. At least the meteor shower was pretty, right?

Today, I was eating a hamburger while watching the hot waitress. I was just about done and as I was taking my last bite, my friend decided to scare me from behing, and I accidently sucked the whole thing in my moouth. They don't go out immediately when in your throat.I almost choked to death. FML YDI for eating greasy food. Fast food kills slowly! Poor little cows...


just shut the **** up everyone i hate these stupid ******* internet arguments. this is why i hate fmylife and definitely prefer mylifeisaverage where the trend isn't to argue, but to say i love you to everyone.

foryoublue94 0

In addition, people who argue on the internet are stupid.

philly8608 0

You know what's also kind of stupid? Visiting a website and then complaining about it. You don't like the arguments in the comments section, may I suggest you simply not read the comments then?

I hate when people try to use the ending the ironic sentence format when their story isn't ironic at all. You told us 3 sentences before that you put sucked lit cigarette in your mouth. It's not a surprise that your mouth hurts. Don't end with the abrupt ironic wanna be sentence.

Gillypants 3

OMFG i'm sooo ******* sick of people who are all "you deserve it for smoking and choosing to do such an unhealthy thing!" yeah, smoking IS unhealthy. FAST FOOD is unhealthy. CAFFEINE is unhealthy. Partially hydrogenated corn syrup... that shit is REALLY unhealthy and it's in EVERYTHING. jesus christ. all those YDI it for smoking?? if you drink more than one soda every week, then STFU for being a ******* hypocrite.

EFFyourlifecait 0

OMG, you poor baby. FYL fer sure.

unlucky_1_cew 0

You are all douches. Stop trying to tell people how to live their life and get one of your own. Gillypants - AMEN!

ben26_fml 0
Neoswords 0

Smoking may be gross,but its there choice if they want to smoke.

juicyjay00 0

i want to ******* kill all the people that said ydi. its stupid. please tell me... how did he deserve it? he was doing something, someone scared him, and he hurt himself as a result. take smoking out of the equation and look at it like this.... what if he was cleaning his toenails, got scared, and stabbed his toe. would he still deserve it?? or is it only because he was smoking that made him deserve it? i say fuuuuck you all. i smoke. i looooove cigarettes. in fact, i'm on my couch outside,indeed smoking a cigarette ;)

ManicGypsy 22

Ok, I'm not getting in on this whole smoking vs. non-smoking thing as my cigarette is currently burning down in the ashtray. I say FYL and the friend that scared you deserves to be burnt with a lit cigarette. HEHE, that will show him. FYL

coffee_addict7 0

Everyone saying YDI for smoking: that would make sense if this were a natural and predictable consequence of the choice the OP made to smoke. Lung cancer would be one such consequence because everyone knows smoking can cause lung cancer, and everyone who smokes is taking that risk. On the other hand, I think the OP would expect his friends to have more common sense than to startle him when he has a lit cigarette in his hand. Making a decision that's dangerous to your health doesn't make it okay for your friends to be idiots.