By numbtongue - 13/03/2015 04:19 - New Zealand - Dunedin
Same thing different taste
By burnt - 13/08/2012 04:43 - Australia - Middle Swan
By .. - 13/09/2011 14:48 - United States
By heheheh - 22/08/2011 06:43 - Canada
By Anonymous - 07/04/2014 17:02 - Canada
By Username - 09/05/2011 17:23 - China
Kitchen nightmare
By cookiemonster - 13/08/2013 16:10 - South Africa - Johannesburg
By HarvestMoon_gal - 24/07/2010 05:09 - United States
I've got blisters on my fingers
By Owie - 09/11/2023 05:00 - United States
Testing, testing
By BubbaYoshi117 - 07/01/2020 20:00 - United States - Kirkland
Kitchen nightmares
By Clumsy - 24/08/2021 11:01 - Brazil - Niterói
Top comments
Oooo sick burn!
It's just a transfer of a large amount of heat/energy. Put it under cold water next time to avoid blisters!
Cold water causes blistering use lukewarm water.
Actually that burns.... I'm sorry, I could not resist.
Use Luke warm or cool, not cold. But never use ice for a burn! Tsssssss.... but seriously don't.
next time put it under cold water immediately. If you don't it still burns you, and it can get really bad. hope you're okay haha
Room temperature water will help more then ice or cold water . I guess you learn something new everyday , because I didn't think this was possible either .
I guess you're smoking hot huh? But yea I bet that had to suck
Uhm ok?
#40 I'm gonna make that 69. Suck it!! I had too, its a rule.
I hear putting toothpaste on the burn can help with blisters (after the burn has been run under cold water and patted dry)
I wish i knew that 10 years ago when I burned off my eyebrows and eyelashes the night before picture day.
I guess u r two hot
Seriously? *you're *too
Your grammar was so bad it physically hurt me.
I see what you did there
everytime I eat a samosa this happens to me too

It's just a transfer of a large amount of heat/energy. Put it under cold water next time to avoid blisters!
I guess you're smoking hot huh? But yea I bet that had to suck