By Anonymous - 13/08/2009 07:24 - United States

Today, I was smoking a cigarette while watching the meteor shower. I was just about at the filter and as I was taking my last drag, my friend decided to scare me from behind, and I accidentally sucked the whole thing in my mouth. They don't go out immediately when in your mouth. My tongue hurts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 327
You deserved it 56 143

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AndelleRae 9

Ugh, that's awful. I can only imagine how that tasted. I'm not going to be a bitch and be one of the high and mighty who say "ydi because you smoke!" because it's none of my damn business. FYL for the disgusting taste and FYL for burning your tongue. At least the meteor shower was pretty, right?

Today, I was eating a hamburger while watching the hot waitress. I was just about done and as I was taking my last bite, my friend decided to scare me from behing, and I accidently sucked the whole thing in my moouth. They don't go out immediately when in your throat.I almost choked to death. FML YDI for eating greasy food. Fast food kills slowly! Poor little cows...


I have no sympathy for you YDI for smoking

YDI, for being an illiterate **** stop smoking.

Bella_999 0

I agree. your a dick for smoking. its killing you. as if you can afford it now. like 50 years ago, okay. everyone thought it was good for them. you know how bad it is for you. and you still do it. ********. YDI.

rustyrox 0

Ahh! Sorry, at least you got to see the MS though, there's too much smoke here, couldn't see it...

THE **** is wrong with all these people O_o How can he help it that his friend scared him while he had something in his mouth. If he was eating some candy and his friend scared him and he choked on that everybody would vote FYL but just because its a cig I see a million of "YDI for smoking ********!" If I didn't know better I would think it are only americans on this site.

dELiA14 0

YDI for smoking, hopefully this will make u quit, but that does suck

**** all the self-righteous ***** on here, seriously. I'd never touch a cigarette but I don't give a shit what people do to their own bodies and I don't see why people give smokers trouble over it as if smokers are forcing everyone else to smoke with them. OP- FYL, that has to suck, and ignore the moralfags on here who like to preach their BS down everyone's throats. People need to STFU and mind their own business for once.