Great excuses

By sumi - 01/06/2021 22:00

Today, I dumped my boyfriend because I found his OKCupid account. He claimed that he only has it so he can do the quizzes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 928
You deserved it 123

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah okay, and my bestfriend only has tinder to swipe on pictures. If he wanted to play quizzes, he can go on buzzfeed. People really think they can fool anyone, huh. 🤨😒


Yeah okay, and my bestfriend only has tinder to swipe on pictures. If he wanted to play quizzes, he can go on buzzfeed. People really think they can fool anyone, huh. 🤨😒

bleachedraven 14

The things people pull these day 😳

maybe, or a friend of theirs could have one and showed her. or she saw the pop-up on the phone or something else.

I miss the articles I used to read in Playboy.

Sweetie 5

Yeah that sounds like my Dad. 🤣🤣🤣