By Jesse - 20/03/2009 05:48 - United States

Today, I was pulled over by my father who is a police officer. He was training a rookie and gave me a breathalyzer test to show his trainee how to do it. I blew a .15 and was taken to jail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 943
You deserved it 151 273

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wait... did he pull you over by chance or was it that he told you he was going to? And you are a total douchebag if you were driving with a .15 and you deserve to go to jail. DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE PERIOD

I think it's pathetic you chose to drive drunk.


CPTobvious_fml 0

Awww the excuse "My daddy is a police officer... I don't have to worry about getting arrested for drinking and driving" didn't work? you poor poor baby. Maybe he can help next time when you run over a small child

dude you cant drink and drive and then whine about it. you got what you deserved. you could have killed someone. a kid probably. then you'd go to hell. you'd take away someones life. is it worth it? " sure i killed someone but i really felt i needed some alcohol" enjoy those drinks did ya? yr lucky you were stopped wen you were before you murdered someone. asshole. 142 my feelings exactly

there is a word for you and its called ASS

Turiski 0

eugh! .15! ... isn't that basically enough to kill you?

Go directly to jail. Do not pass GO. Do not collect $200.

spitball1074 2

Comment #30... wtf? You're telling people to stop being judgmental, but you're being judgmental by assuming that everyone has drunk and driven (is that proper grammar?) before. And if you do that, then you should just go kill yourself. People that drink and drive kill innocent people as well as putting themselves and their passengers at risk. It's not even funny.

youtome902 0

my friend just passed away a couple weeks ago from a drunk driver. think what you could have done.

You totally deserved it - I've gotten a DUI before and I think I deserved it too. Don't drive drunk!!! Hopefully you live in a state that requires DUI classes - you might learn something! There was a speaker in my class who was a .1 she got in an accident and killed her fiance the day before the wedding. Financially she's still paying for it... the emotional damage is forever.

anyone who's wondering (including #33)... "Unless a person has developed a high tolerance for alcohol, a BAC rating of 0.20% represents very serious intoxication (most first-time drinkers would be unconscious by about 0.15%), and 0.35%–0.40% represents potentially fatal alcohol poisoning.[1] 0.40% is the accepted LD50, the dose that is lethal for 50% of adult humans.[2] There have been cases of people remaining conscious at BACs above 0.40%.[3]" I live in California where the "legal limit" is .08 - UNLESS you get in an accident, if so you're COMPLETELY liable. CA is actually ZERO tolerance.

LeCorsaire_fml 0