By Jesse - 20/03/2009 05:48 - United States

Today, I was pulled over by my father who is a police officer. He was training a rookie and gave me a breathalyzer test to show his trainee how to do it. I blew a .15 and was taken to jail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 943
You deserved it 151 273

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wait... did he pull you over by chance or was it that he told you he was going to? And you are a total douchebag if you were driving with a .15 and you deserve to go to jail. DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE PERIOD

I think it's pathetic you chose to drive drunk.


your dad should have beaten your ass..... while having the rookie record it then put it on youtube .

you shoulve ended up in a ditch you wouldve deserved that. there is NO reason to ever drink and drive. idc what happens to you but it's others I'm worried about others

ihu 0

u idiot do u know how serious that is YDI 100%

Stupid ass.NEVER drink and drive.YDI big time.

Wow, seriously? .15 isn't even buzzed or anything. If your BAL is .15, you're drunk. Good job for trying to drive like that, idiot.

classicnathan 8

HOW THE HELL DID 27.5K people think this is FML? no. the idiot was piss drunk and shouldn't have been driving. they're lucky they didn't crash and die or kill others