Why would you do that?

By HughGorgy - 20/03/2009 05:37 - Canada

Today, after sex with my girlfriend, I thought it would be sexy to wear her underwear until we saw each other again. I found a pair in her bathroom, but they definitely weren't her sexy ones. Her mom walked in on me to collect the laundry and screeched, "What are you doing with my panties!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 388
You deserved it 103 240

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Girls wearing their guys' boxers after sex: HOT Guys wearing girl underwear at any time: NOT HOT AT ALL

also ew ... if you are a guy, that is not sexy. that's weird.


Oh GOSH... that's why you never have sex with the parents home If FML has taught me nothing else, it's taught me that lol

lukemel1160 0

you're a creep. only a ****** would wear women underwear

well u learn after the first time getting caught haha

Hunthas 17

the same thing happened to me, except with raccoons :(

guitarheaven789 0
RachelTheLoser 0

hahahaha I could so see this happening in a movie!!! xD

RawDawgie 0

how would wearing her underwear "be sexy"?? that's wierd..

furbs84 0

lol I don't think weird is the word your looking for. GAY would be more appropriate.

FreakingFYou 13

165 I agree. What the **** were you thinking?

Or you can be Muslim like me and wait until marriage for sex loL fml.

Why are people more bothered by the fact he didn't lock the bathroom door or that he had sex over at her house, rather than the fact he was trying to wear his girlfriend's/girlfriend's mam's underwear, thinking it would be 'sexy'?... Last time I checked wearing your girlfriends underwear was insanely weird.

You're an idiot, that's about all there is to it

Ender_ 0

Wow, I guess that's what you get for trying to wear her not-so-sexy panties. Next time go for a thong or something. haha.

How do you know her mom doesn't have sexy underwear? 0_o

184, it literally says in the FML that exact thing.

also ew ... if you are a guy, that is not sexy. that's weird.

that's being a b*tch If you dum a guy for a joke like that

lilysmiles143 0

awkward moment! kinda gay to wear your "girlfriend"'s underwear

wait, wtf? why would you wear it? agree with #7... just plain creepy.

jennjenn_fml 0

very creepy, I'd break up with my boyfriend thinking he's a cross dresser.

That's a bit extreme. I agree it may not be the sexiest thing but I would think he was joking around, not automatically assume crossdresser.