By Jesse - 20/03/2009 05:48 - United States

Today, I was pulled over by my father who is a police officer. He was training a rookie and gave me a breathalyzer test to show his trainee how to do it. I blew a .15 and was taken to jail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 943
You deserved it 151 273

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wait... did he pull you over by chance or was it that he told you he was going to? And you are a total douchebag if you were driving with a .15 and you deserve to go to jail. DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE PERIOD

I think it's pathetic you chose to drive drunk.


you something that is not what the person is wanting to be insulted by morons like you people you dont have class but as morons that is not the way to answer a question just cause his father is cop or a pig but he is looking for something like who am i and why this crude from my father sometimes fathers are majpr jerks and sont see anything but their stupd selves who gives a shit about the little rookie and it dont matter if he is drunk you people never been put in a spot shame on you ******* yeah i talk that way and dont have no use for pigs even though that father is a on a head trip as a ******* bully which he aimed it at his own son what a bastard that is not right either somebody is lost in his little world itake the son of the son who gets dissed by his own father i see myself in that roll and i will not go any farther here cants see somebody being hurt by a dumbshit father that is cruel and unusal but our society says it okay to hurt the ones you love bullshit that cop deserves what he gets got that you little cowards

CynicComedian 2

So, when you're dad took the oral board test, I'm wondering if he got the question of "You pull over a motorist only to find that it's your son. He seems intoxicated so you run a breathalyzer, which confirms it. What do you do?" Your Dad: "Arrest his sorry ass they whoop the shit out of him when he gets out of jail." Interviewer: "Welcome to the force!"

Kordonme 0

In Denmark the limit is 0.5 - thats like 1-2 beer.

In Norway, the limit is 0.2. Sometimes I wonder if we are allowed to ... smell alcohol the same day as we drive... Lame that he took you to jail, tho..

guys chill. I blew a .16 and I was eating fried pork skins, not drinking beer. he probably wasn't drinking either and Tehalon, **** you. Don't trash Americans for being drunkies you ******

mistyv_fml 0

ok, obviously americans are a little more adept at understanding the math. .5=50% 1or 2 beers is not going to give you a 50% blood alcohol level. .05 is a little more believable. I used to give these damn things for a living. In our state the legal limit was reduced from .10 to .08 above a .40 and you are more than likely on the verge, if not already in a coma. A .15 is over the legal limit in all 50 states in the U.S.

I used to make that mistake. I thought legal limit was .8 and was convinced no one could ever actually drive drunk (at the time I was 13.)

RJohnyblaze 0

If you dont know how LOW a .015 is, STFU. Because your a ******* idiot. Thats like 1 beer TOPS. Or maybe some mouth wash with alchohol in it. Sucks you got arrested, and sucks even more it was by your own dad lol.

RJohnyblaze 0

Oh, .15 LOL FML Yeah you deserve it, you degenerate.

tb15 0

.15, my god. he must known you were drunk before the breathalyzer test.

either he was drunk or he used mouthwash. it's happened to me b4

yourWIFEandKIDS 0