By jojo - 06/05/2009 19:11 - United States

Today, while driving home I had to pee really bad, so I speeded up to get home quicker. I got pulled over for speeding and peed my pants. The cop, assuming I was drunk, made me take a sobriety test. I had to walk a straight line with piss all over my pants at 2:00 in the afternoon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 525
You deserved it 12 871

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's messed up... But YDI for being stupid enough to mot piss before leaving wherever you were... Or even pulling over to a gas station...

This is why you use the restroom before you leave places.


That truly does suck my friend. I feel for you.

This is why you use the restroom before you leave places.

hahahah that's why you go before you leave the house..or wherever you were leaving from.. lol

That's messed up... But YDI for being stupid enough to mot piss before leaving wherever you were... Or even pulling over to a gas station...

aquariusbeauty 0

how embarrassing. I know how that feels.