By my_only_friend - 03/06/2013 04:45 - United States - Chicago

Today, I was invited to a party. Since I rarely get invited to any, I was super pumped. Both my parents work late, so I texted a couple of people to see if I could catch a ride. It turned out everyone's cars were full. I ended up missing one of the only parties I've ever been invited to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 704
You deserved it 7 276

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks. You should totally invite people over to your house if you ever have the oppurtunity; don't be afraid to take matters into your own hands if you want to be more social. You'll end up making more connections, and that way you'll be invited out more.


rg350dx 29

Or take a bike. Or walk. Nothing like a good old fashioned stroll to get you where you need to go.

Walking to most parties would take me about 2 hours and I'm guessing Op is in the same situation ( and I'm not a slow walker!!! :P)

you've got no excuse for a bus though. it's cheap, efficient, and gets you to where you need to go.

Actually, if it takes 2 hours to walk there,odds are that you don't live anywhere near a bus stop. At least not one that's trafficked at night.

takeitandrun 13

That's true only if you're fortunate enough to live in a place with a decent bus system. Where I used to live the buses did not service anywhere outside of city limits(and had very few stops outside downtown) and they stopped running at 8pm weekdays and did not run at all on the weekends. Plus there's the possibility that OP lives in a rural area or a city that doesn't have a bus system at all. I'm going to go with F OP's Life

CallMeMcFeelii 13

OP could live in a rural town as I do. The closest bus stop around here is 60 miles away in the city. My closest friend lives about 8 miles away. Everyone doesn't have public transportation where they live.

OP could've called a cab if they had some money kicking around and wanted to go to the party bad enough.

SynysterNero 20

OP may live in an area where there isn't public transportation, since most public transportation is in larger cities.

Where I live, the bus doesn't go by where my friends live. It would still take a long time to walk to my friend's house. So, the bus might not take her to a convenient place to walk to the party.

That's a good option too! I didn't even think of that yet.

Damnit #55, you can't just cut into the booze money like that! :/

By the sounds of it 71, OP isn't old enough to purchase any booze on their own.

#86 - Thats what having older friends is for. And fake IDs...

RammerJammer62 8

How do you know OP doesn't live in a rural area with no busses? No busses are where I live, if you can't get a ride, you can't go to places. You can't walk either because there are no paths or sidewalks or anything.

Hopefully there will be another one for you

At least you know you were invited. It might not have been all that great anyway.

That sucks. You should totally invite people over to your house if you ever have the oppurtunity; don't be afraid to take matters into your own hands if you want to be more social. You'll end up making more connections, and that way you'll be invited out more.

You should have asked Bend and Pat to take you: you bend your knees and pat your feet and walk your ass to the party!

kriz_allizwell 6

Don't worry OP, there will always be more parties! And hey, at least you were invited. Maybe next time have a party at your house

Steal a bike. Hitchhike. Walk even!!! I'm sorry you missed the party but it seems to me that if you really wanted to go you would have found a way. I'm not trying to be a ********... just sayin.

RedPillSucks 31

Do they not have taxis where you're from?

My guess is that op couldn't afford the taxi to get there :s

I never heard of this thing called "taxi." Do you have to hop on its back for a ride?

RedPillSucks 31

Yes, and sometimes they bite

Bobskittens1 12

I don't think anyone would show up! It would just end in more disappointment for OP.

thatbaybay 8

Since everybody's car was "full" which is probably not true you wouldn't of had friends there so it would have been boring and bad for you anyway