By person123abc - 09/12/2010 05:35 - United States

Today, I sat in my room on the computer instead of attending the party of the year. I got kicked out because I wasn't invited. The party was in my back yard, hosted by my brother. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 370
You deserved it 4 159

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Doesn't say how old you are, but if you're 14 and he's 18 or so, I wouldn't really blame him

I would crash it...what is he going to do, tell your Mommy and Daddy? Or throw food colored water balloons out your window at his guests. Or call the cops and get them shut down. Although the last two are juvenile, they are also effective...


froggi_fml 0

hm. yeah. I know how you feel. other people call me lame but I call it straightedge. :]

LastCaress 0

No... I think it's called lame.

Lol, straightedge. You have fun... I'm going to go smoke some weed with friends

I think it's called "bitch go get me another drink". but hey that's just me

LastCaress 0

Why dontcha make me shut up? Lame-oooo.


OP it's probably because your like...11 years old!!!!! but if you were my "mature" little brother I'd invite you....

MrFerret 0

it wasn't a Halloween party that's why.

This reminds me of that Family Guy episode where Chris became cool and had a party at the house, then didn't invite Meg. "Your boob:butt ratio is off" LMAO

#9 Yes, that sounds like a great idea right about now.

Hahhahahahhahhah #48 I <3 you noseless! It seems today that all you see is violence in movies and sex on T.V. But where are those good old fashion values.... Not in my pants X-D

ellamegan 0

uhm #1, do you even know wht straightedge is? its not beong "cool" and "rebelious" by not doing drugs or drinking. its a gang that actually kills people who do these things! next time you start labeling yourself something, make sure you actually know what it is.

thespaceistoosho 2

Straightedge is not a gang, #63, is actually just a subculture that grew out of the punk movement. They don't kill people who drink or do drugs, that would be ridiculous. They do sometimes start fights with these people though, but that's usually the younger kids. Trust me on this one, I know tons of edge punks personally, it's not what you think it is.

I have a few things to say about this one: 1. This totally reminded me of Family Guy. XD 2. What makes you think that just because you're his brother means you're automatically invited? 3. You kicked out of the party, NOT the house. You don't have to stay in your room, just don't go into the backyard. 4. If he's your older brother by about a few years, then I can understand not wanting his little sister with there with him in front of all his friends. 5. Grow up.

I think you should just steal a few beers and drink your problems awayyyy

Daddymo 14

The party of the year isn't taking place in a back yard, so I wouldn't be too disappointed.

JonaDona 2

agreed the best parties are the ones in my pants

There's a party in my pants but I came early!

uhh ever seen Old School? that was one hell of a party and that was in a backyard! haha

Call the cops on him for a loud party then tell everyone to **** off.

but that would make her look even MORE lame! i feel sorry for you OP

Doesn't say how old you are, but if you're 14 and he's 18 or so, I wouldn't really blame him

I would crash it...what is he going to do, tell your Mommy and Daddy? Or throw food colored water balloons out your window at his guests. Or call the cops and get them shut down. Although the last two are juvenile, they are also effective...

marie93uso 0

I know right?? it's your house! in fact, now I say that you deserve it because you were too much of a pussy to say "hey! this is my house dammit! I can party here if I want to!"

I was gona suggest the water balloons... Never gets old

or call the parents that would be even better. cause now not only will your bro will be embarrassed in front of all his friends he'll be grounded too. Karma is a bitch.

You should spray him and everybody else with the hose then get out of there! Oh and btw before you go to sleep, set some booby-traps around your room.

What ever happens, don't hold a grudge against him for the rest of your life. Get your own back asap and you will start to feel better.

get knocked up by one of his friends. then tell your parents what happened. they will disown him an you can have an abortion. I'm joking btw don't do that. just call the cops about the party.

Holy crap 11, you profile pic looks sadistic! Your comment was pretty messed up too.

So I guess you two are real close huh? Call the cops, that'll teach him not to invite his own sister!