By Anonymous - 01/12/2012 05:59 - United States - Saint Louis

Today, my girlfriend accused me of cheating, because I tipped our waitress at dinner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 648
You deserved it 2 725

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you stick your dollars into her cleavage? You know, this isn't a strip-joint. Or maybe you chequed her out just a little too much. Talk about good service! It's dime to face the consequences.


Did you stick your dollars into her cleavage? You know, this isn't a strip-joint. Or maybe you chequed her out just a little too much. Talk about good service! It's dime to face the consequences.

I tip my hat to your puns, sir. I wouldn't change them one bit, and pay no mind to anyone who would.

Or maybe your girlfriend smelled her cent on you. Why else would she accuse you of giving another woman a pound-ing?!

You think I wouldn't notice euro-so subtle change of currency, tourettesguy? :p

It was quite Franc. But, you're on Mark today Pleo! ;)

Don't you mean 'god DIRHAM I love you guys'? ;)

I ruble don't know what you guys are talking about.

hopefully she didnt leave you her number on the reciept

beddington 7

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61, did you know there is a thumbs up button for that?

scarface90 8

Well when you tip a waitress you don't put it in her bra OP.

Considering he most likely just met her, get his tip in her bra is pretty good.

Yup, that's one of the first signs of cheating OP, you ol tipper you.

cbrods_94 2

He's not cheating you idiot...

105- ever heard of sarcasm, a joke dumbass?

Haven't you heard, tipping is the new proposition?

applexj 13

Somebody is looking for a reason for it to be over.

OP - "Yeah babe I tipped her and then smiled at her! How'd you like those apples?!".

My mom did the same thing to my dad once. Apparently giving her 15 dollars instead of 14 is "leaving the doors open" for her to start a relationship with him. O.o Yeah... bitches be crazy.