By Cynical - 30/03/2009 03:49 - United States

Today, I was in my room with the door locked and my mom knocked on the door. I said "don't come in, i'm naked!" She said "That's okay!" so she unlocked the door and walked in. I was masturbating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 95 166
You deserved it 37 092

Same thing different taste


your mom's a creeper... time to move out

bandgeekforlife 0

that's disgusting, if he's young and she sees him naked that's one thing, but walking in on her teenage son naked is just weird, cuz he's physically practically a man. ewwww, that's gross Mom.

Ashlings 0

Hahaha, wow. That's awful, but you should definitely be more careful. XD Or don't ********** while she's awake?

xlucklessloverx 0

well now u know that the next time u tell her that she definitely WONT come in XD

I might have punched her. Then again, my mother pees with the door open. Some people have no shame. :/

#59. Great call. After your mum walking in on you, only thing to do is turn the tables. "Since you decided to just walk in anyway, here, hold this magazine for me whilst I finish off."

my mom doesn't even knock first she just opens the door and I don't have a lock

HeadShots4Hope 0

It's her own fault for assuming that its OK to see her teenage son naked when he explicitely said "No".