By Nola - 13/09/2018 22:00

Today, my fiancé got his associate degree in the mail. Wanting to surprise him when he got home, I opened it to display it before going out to buy groceries. His dog got a hold of his degree and shredded it to pieces. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 306
You deserved it 1 788

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lonnell 7

why did you open up his mail anyway?

julfunky 29

I’ve met dogs like that and every single one made this a habit, so the owner knew better than to leave any mail, document, check, or whatnot in their reach. I won’t say YDI but was this really a surprise? Did this dog really just randomly choose to rip up that one and only document?


julfunky 29

I’ve met dogs like that and every single one made this a habit, so the owner knew better than to leave any mail, document, check, or whatnot in their reach. I won’t say YDI but was this really a surprise? Did this dog really just randomly choose to rip up that one and only document?

When my cat, as a kitten, was teething, she would go out of her way to chew on things, even if they were “out of her reach.” In that time, she chewed up my Ethernet cable under my entertainment center, my DS charger on the middle of a bookshelf (keep in mind, she wants like one pound), and my certificate of acceptance to an honor society, on the top of a bookshelf that I could only reach on a step stool.

Plot twist: His degree was to be a Vet Tech! Dunh-dunh-dunh!!! Your dog was pissed that he got a degree for expressing his anal glands over and over.

Lonnell 7

why did you open up his mail anyway?

tounces7 27

"Fiance". I mean, I imagine they're close enough and have an understanding between them that it's not really a big deal.

I'm guessing they live together, and it's a common occurrence as per a longstanding agreement. I opened my husband's mail for years before we married because he preferred it that way. If I left things unopened he would ask me, "Why didn't you just open it?" So I do.

Tell your fiance to take the dog's obediance training certificate and chew it into pieces.

tounces7 27

And this is why I will only ever adopt an older dog. Young dogs are a pain in the ass.

Don’t get a husky. Notorious paper shredders at any age. My first girl lived until 16 1/2 and was plotting against my sanity until the end.

Surely an older dog with bad habits would be even harder to train than a younger dog...

Yeah, I think there's an expression about this.... 🤔

One thing I have learned from having pets is that, no matter what precautions you put in place (like placing it on the very top of a bookshelf), you fur baby will get it if they want.

saffy66 34

That’s why you don’t open other people’s mail - besides which, it’s a criminal offence.

It's a federal offense to open someone else's mail. Karma kicked in before the cops could! :D