By joeker124 - 18/11/2016 05:55 - United States - North Fort Myers

Today, at my first AA meeting, my best friend thought it would be funny to burst in drunk and tell everyone that I was the champion at beer pong and that there was a party at my place after my "quitter club" ended. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 566
You deserved it 937

joeker124 tells us more.

Hey, OP here. I appreciate all of the positive comments, and, not going to lie, he's been my friend since birth and it did kind of make me laugh when he first did it. But when he did sober up, I he apologized and cried, asking for help. So he'll be joining me next week and I'm very excited to get my best friend back. Again, thank you guys for the positive comments.

Top comments

Well he definitely will not be proud of himself when he sobers up. I sincerely hope, anyways.

I would hope they're not your best friend anymore? I would think a friend would be supportive of you trying to improve your lifestyle, not ruin your attempts.


Well he definitely will not be proud of himself when he sobers up. I sincerely hope, anyways.

What a jerk. Good luck to you in recovery!

I would hope they're not your best friend anymore? I would think a friend would be supportive of you trying to improve your lifestyle, not ruin your attempts.

You might be surprised at the reactions people get when they try to change themselves and their drinking-or-whatever buddies take it as an insult that the shared behavior is not working for someone.

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And sobriety is more fun than drinking yourself to death. You do know what AA meetings are for, right?

I'm sure he does. Most of his comments are like this.

Sounds like your friend wants to sabotage you because he's losing his "drinking buddy". You might have to quit him too.

I would look at new friends.... Peer pressure affects everyone, not just teenagers. Congrats.. And stick with it..

It genuinely sounds like he needs to be in your AA meetings if he's purposefully getting drunk just to attack those trying to get better...

thunderniron 22

If you genuinely want to quit then it's time for some new friends. 22 yrs clean and sober here.

Congrats!!!! That's super awesome. You are an inspiration. I quit drinking after I left my last boyfriend.