By targetlove - 10/01/2010 01:23 - Australia

Today, I was in a rush to get to the toilet, I went in and sat on the seat. Then I felt a stinging pain on my left bum cheek. I jumped up quickly to see a wasp splashing around in the bowl. It stung me, and now have a bum cheek twice its normal size, and pee all over my pants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 300
You deserved it 3 405

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that must be a pain in the ass. New definition of my ass is on fire.

Jonesy_fml 0

Hey, at least you didn't shit yourself... but you gotta ask yourself, was the rush worth it?


zachhi14 0

how did you piss yourself if you were sitting down?

I once had the same thing happen, except a little more to the front. I'm a guy btw.

You live in Australia. is that the worst you've encountered?

Australia: where everything's trying to kill you. Even toilets.