When you gotta go, you gotta go

By Amanda Howard - 15/03/2020 09:00

Today, I came home after being stuck in traffic needing to pee really badly. When I went to the bathroom, my boyfriend was on the toilet. I couldn't hold it longer, so I went into the woods behind our house and found a bush. Relieving myself, my butt started to itch. I was sitting in poison ivy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 572
You deserved it 522

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They apparently only own a toilet! No tub, shower or sinks! Let alone maybe a BOWL? It was just pee..or so OP says lol.


They apparently only own a toilet! No tub, shower or sinks! Let alone maybe a BOWL? It was just pee..or so OP says lol.

bloopaloop 27

It’s a good thing you used your full name so anyone who knows you and sees this can make fun of you.

Why are you rubbing your ass on the bush? When I pee on a tree, I don't scrape my dick on the bark.

rotflqtms_ 21

Maybe when she bent down to squat she accidentally brushed her butt against it. I'm not sure why she had to pee so close to the Bush to touch it, but maybe she was trying not to be seen and tried to use it to hide or something. You pee facing forward. She had to turn away from whatever she was peeing on and blindly squat also taking care not to get her clothes or shoes wet while also balancing and trying to keep out of sight of any people passing by as she can't just pull out a penis and start peeing... but... to go outside to pee when you're already inside... I would have peed in the shower. Not a sink like some people suggested... but there are buckets, there are plastic disposable cups... so many things to use, and she went outside to pee after being inside...

You're working way too hard on this problem.' After reading your reply, I had to take a nap.

It takes at least 12 hours to begin itching from poison ivy. Creative story though.

you could have peed in the tub or the shower...duhhh

last time I got pain ivy I started itching in class the next day. know your plants idiot.