By targetlove - 10/01/2010 01:23 - Australia

Today, I was in a rush to get to the toilet, I went in and sat on the seat. Then I felt a stinging pain on my left bum cheek. I jumped up quickly to see a wasp splashing around in the bowl. It stung me, and now have a bum cheek twice its normal size, and pee all over my pants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 300
You deserved it 3 405

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that must be a pain in the ass. New definition of my ass is on fire.

Jonesy_fml 0

Hey, at least you didn't shit yourself... but you gotta ask yourself, was the rush worth it?


I am thoroughly confused with this phenomenon of people who don't look at the seat before they rest their ass upon it... PAY MORE ATTENTION, you deserved it.

spoke1396 4

um, is no1 gonna ask how the fck a wasp got in the toilet bowl?? o.0

No, because everyone else already knows how it got in there. It fell off the seat.

Or it was crawling around in the bowl... Does no one read the comments before making one? O.o

airtimewhXre 5

I opened the toilet lid seat one day to see a spider sitting on it. After that, I have NEVER, EVER sat down on a toilet without looking at it first.

Munkiezzz3 0

had it happen to me, but in a truck on the seat

88sforlife 0

That Must Be A Pain In The Asz


Oh, I think I love you Mercy.