By life_sucks - 16/01/2010 18:46 - New Zealand

Today, this huge wasp started flying around me. I freaked out and started running from it. Then I slipped, landed face-first in some dog poo, and got stung by the wasp on my leg. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 022
You deserved it 7 523

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Freaking out is probably not the best thing to do in the presence of a wasp.


rose12353 0

Freaking out is probably not the best thing to do in the presence of a wasp.

YDI for freaking out. That would only make it think that you were trying to attack it. You should have just stayed perfectly still instead.

wasp stings don't hurt too much. If OP was allergic to wasp stings, freaking out could of been the worst thing to do!

Guessing by her luck i'd say she'd of still gotten stung even if she wouldn't of freaked and ran.

It's nice to see dogs and wasps cooperate.