By targetlove - 10/01/2010 01:23 - Australia

Today, I was in a rush to get to the toilet, I went in and sat on the seat. Then I felt a stinging pain on my left bum cheek. I jumped up quickly to see a wasp splashing around in the bowl. It stung me, and now have a bum cheek twice its normal size, and pee all over my pants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 300
You deserved it 3 405

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that must be a pain in the ass. New definition of my ass is on fire.

Jonesy_fml 0

Hey, at least you didn't shit yourself... but you gotta ask yourself, was the rush worth it?


YD for not checking and not putting paper down.

she never said where she was, she could have been at home with the bathroom window open or something. Why would she check the seat if it were her own bathroom and if she was the last one to use it?

ZuperDuper 0

Okay I highly doubt that ur butt cheeck is twice the size as it was before just from 1 wasp sting. Cuz there would only b one part of the butt where there's swelling not the entire butt cheeck. Next time, don't exagerated so much when telling a story just to get the FML on the site.

meejee23 0

hey "zuperduper" aka number 39, youre a ******* retard. its called being ******* allergic you idiot. and when you get stung the venom spreads, which could cause her ass cheek to swell up. get a ******* life rather than being on this website trying to prove people are exaggerating.

pazzapsims 0

Hahaha!!! That is hilarious!! That must have sucked! I've never been stung by a bee, wasp etc... (thankfully) but being stung on the bum? Mmmm... god that's gotta HURT!!

stormin972 0

YDI for not checking the seat before you sat down. You probably picked up crabs from it too.

Why would you ever drop trow and sit on anything without looking first!? You definitely deserved it.

mattgotest2 0

It was my own toilet, in my own house, I DID look. Why would I expect something on/in my own toilet? Geez, such a crime obviously to some...

fluteplyr2277 0

I've always secretly been afraid of this happening to me