
By Anonymous - 10/01/2010 02:20 - United States

Today, while arguing with my boyfriend about how I wasn't a bad driver and could parallel park, I thought it would be easier to just let him do it. Unfortunately, while getting out of the car to switch seats, I forgot to take the car out of drive and it ran into the car in front of us. He was right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 323
You deserved it 31 931

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's cool thing called putting it in park.

A woman admitting a man is right? What has this world come to!?


There's cool thing called putting it in park.

Damn iPhone keyboard. There's this cool thing called putting it in park.*

No no no, this is all wrong! Neutral, handbrake, brick in front of a drive wheel, remove one tire just in case, stuff rag up exhaust to kill engine, disconnect negative battery terminal. Surely everybody knows this procedure.

dcbog123 0

well women cant drive, so they should just never have to learn about any of that crap

CaptainDoorknob 7

Women can't drive, it's actually a scientific fact. Women can't analyze things as good as men. There was a study about it.

dont listen to the guy before me. it happens to best of us sometimes. i hope ur car and the other car wasn't damaged too much :(

I assumed by "us" she meant "us women".

Yeah but only not really. The best of who?

RunnerBack33 1

why the **** are u driving anyway OP? stay in the goddamn ******* kitchen u ffucking whorebag. YDI

Agreed number one. Jesus, women are such shitty drivers.

janise 2

Statistically speaking men are more dangerous drivers in general. Although I believe middle-aged female drivers are the worst out of everyone. Also, this OP makes all women drivers (including me) look bad.

Statitically speaking, 5 out of every 6 people enjoy tossed salad.. but does that make it right?

Towelie_31 0

statistically speaking, 1 out of 1 genetically advanced smart towel likes to get high, but does that make it right?

renaet 0

What a buzz kill izomiac. -_-

Statistically speaking statistics are bull shit

Women behind the wheel of a moving vehicle are a god damn danger to society. You're lucky you didn't somehow manage to cause a twenty car pileup while you were at it.

A woman admitting a man is right? What has this world come to!?

One where girls think duckface looks good.

token_blackguy 18

you did 2 things wrong. 1. Thinking you as a woman should be allowed to drive. 2. Arguing with a man, while he was driving.

dude_sweet 0

don't try to say ur not supposed to argue with a man. ur wak. stop tryna be macho