By kitty shah - 17/06/2012 17:01 - United States

Today, I was having a debate with my friend over tattoos. I used the example that you wouldn't put a bumper sticker on a Ferrari. He looked me in the eye and said, "Yeah, but you're no Ferrari. More like a Prius." FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 228
You deserved it 27 472

Same thing different taste

Top comments

amandalillian 27

I think having your own opinions on controversial topics is fine.. As long as you voice it appropriately.


How the hell did this FML make it past moderation?

This reminds me of a scene from The Other Guys… "I feel like we're driving around in a giant ******!"

skyeyez9 24

I dont mind tats as long as they are in good taste or unusual. The common run of the mill tribal and tramp stamps are stupid imo.

I don't see the big deal with tattoos I've got quite a few. If you use the "your body is a temple" excuse, fine, but why not decorate? Your just like a blank canvas.

ash1rose 11

It's your body but everyone else seems to have an opinion about what you can do with it.

jcmjr 4

Hahaha a sensitive guy with a blue Prius!!! Aaaaaammmmm gay lol Jeff dunhham!!!

scene_girl69 0

People take this site too seriously>.<

winnerme123 8

Why does everyone hate the Prius? (but I do too)

Well, I'm just speaking for myself here, but it's because they aren't quite the economical/environmental savior that everyone thinks they are.

kelj208_fml 4

The saying is bumper sticker on a bently a ferrari is not considered a luxury car its a sports car and some do put bumper stickers on their sports cars

TxCountryBeauty 10

I kind of wants to see what she looks like... Comparing cars to women... Hmm what kind of car am I?