By tubby - 21/06/2012 20:28 - Sweden - Karlskrona

Today, my friend showed off her new tattoo, which is supposed to say "bad bitch" in Italian, and I had to point out that it actually says "defective female". Her response was to cuss me out and inform me that I'm no longer part of her social circle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 332
You deserved it 3 637

Same thing different taste


I see what you did there, but woah, it's "bad bitch".

That's the new thing, everybody. "Hey have you met the new girl?" "She's a ******* defective female."

OhDearBetrayal 25

Defective basically means the same thing as bad, and female is the same as bitch. I would be a hell of a lot more pissed if the tattoo was mine and it meant something completely different than what I wanted. At least hers turned out similar.

Is there even an Italian way to say "bad bitch"? "Defective female" may be the closest thing in Italian to what the friend wanted. And things like this are exactly why I'm trying to find someone to tell me the proper norse runes for véurr before I get it in a tattoo.

Wouldn't it be Puttana Cattiva? Defective female is difettoso femminile

Who cares. She sounds about 6 anyway.

hahayourmom101 5

Okay what is with the whole bad bitch thing? i mean, you call a girl a bitch and she slaps you, but put bad in front of it and she's honored???

137 & 67- 57 is actually correct. My gramps is full Italian so he's always taught me how to speak some of it.. It reads "dog bad" English is the only language where we put adjectives in front of our nouns.

165 - it's because women live by opposites. Yes means no, bad means good. Example: if she says she isn't mad, run for you live or you will die.

vintagemeow 6

173- not just English. Common French adjectives do too.

Bob_Cat_fml 14

#199 Actually we usually put the adjective after the noun in French (une fille blonde = a blond girl), there are few exceptions only when it's before (un petit chien = a small dog). And I'm realising I don't know why O_o And #173, in German for example adjectives are before the noun. (Ein weißer Hund = A white dog) I doubt it's the only one along with English.

JocelynKaulitz 28

At least you're not a "defective female."

#173 In German too bad dog = böser Hund

vintagemeow 6

You're right 202- but my point was English isn't the only language that does this; from memory there's about 14 French adjectives that regularly precede the noun, petit, grand, marrant etc.

The translation is not even close. How can you argue that female and bitch are synonyms?

213 puttana means bitch or *****, and German is the best language for insulting someone because you sound so pissed off when you yell haha

Actually, bad bitch in italian should be "cagna male" defective female would be "difettoso femminile" I think the OP was trying to insult her friends tattoo

maybe you mean "donna difettosa": "femminile" is for the female gender, as "female" but without meaning also a female person; also "difettoso" is neutral or male adjective. also, "cagna male" mean nothing, because "male" is not an adjective, but a noun; the adjective for "bad" is "cattivo (male/neutral) / cattiva (female)" -> "cagna cattiva"

austinnicole 3

How is female the same as bitch ?

22cute 17

This is hilarious! Your friend is wearing an insult tattooed on her skin. I cannot help but wonder: why did she want to write it in Italian? Why not Swedish? Does "bad bitch" in swedish mean the same as it does in English? Do they have a word equivalent to "bitch" in Italian? And is it now used the way it is in US- to mean an attractive woman? Does it mean a mean nasty woman in other circumstances or is there a different

Well in my opinion, she should have just gone all out and had "I regret this" on her forehead.

Since when does bitch mean an attractive woman? I must've missed that memo, I've been using it as an insult.

Only Lzzy Hale can say "you call me a bitch like its a bad thing"

Puttana or Cagna is the italian word for bitch

Oh and bad bitch in swedish is dålig tik

Shadow_Phantom 26

@100: I don't get it either! If somebody called me one I'd be like "wtf is wrong with you?"

22cute 17

Yeah, I don't get it either. But all women are "bitches" in rap songs now. And all men are "niggas", right? I hate it but there it is. I don't know how long before twisted things like that cross cultural boundaries. #129 - How can you jack a thread that's already jacked? #2 says exactly the same as the first.

Idk I think defective female makes an even better tattoo.

100- I think it's because nowadays if a girl is called a "bad bitch" they take it as a compliment.... I dont understand it either.

And these defective females wondered what happened to chivalry.

uJelly24 1
dsbs 9

My chick bad. My chick hood. My chick do stuff that your chick wish she could

I got ur back jack, bitches be crazy! ~big bang theory

do you have a receipt for the defective bitch or is there a no return policy?

b3llalooove 3

Why do females call themselves bitches? Because a famous person did and it's supposed to be cool? Being called a bitch was intentionally meant to be disrespecting a female. Hint: a bitch is a female dog. "bad bitch" = "bad loud barking female dog"

Akumie 6

She is in fact a defective female. XD

vol4life 6

For real who the hell gets a bad bitch tattoo

I sort of like it's real meaning "defective female". I'd not get it tattooed on me, but I'd get a shirt saying it! Haha.

This FML has so much comedic potential that I almost wish I was the OP.

4, I'm hoping the tattoo is in the tramp stamp area too. Imagine a dude looking down while having sex with her, doggie style, and thinking "what the hell?" I'm laughing just picturing it.

RabidBunny 10

Leave it seems to fit her.

Byahhh 3

No, it clearly said defective female.

And it's clearly obvious she's a bitch.

She should've gotten someone reliable to translate the words before she had it tattoos on her

This is good advice, but even better would be to get a tattoo that actually means something. Not some dumb phrase in a language you don't know or understand at all.

Well bad sort of does translate into defective and bitch is a female dog? I do see where they could have gotten mixed up

97 I agree; I hate seeing people who get tattoos in languages they don't understand.

JocelynKaulitz 28

At least you're not a "defective female."

She probably used google translate :P

hehe, I put "bad bitch" into google translate and it spat out "cagna male" as the italian translation...

DontClickOnMe 28

Well at least you don't have to put up with that "bad bitch" anymore.

Please, she prefers "defective female" now.