By kitty shah - 17/06/2012 17:01 - United States

Today, I was having a debate with my friend over tattoos. I used the example that you wouldn't put a bumper sticker on a Ferrari. He looked me in the eye and said, "Yeah, but you're no Ferrari. More like a Prius." FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 228
You deserved it 27 472

Same thing different taste

Top comments

amandalillian 27

I think having your own opinions on controversial topics is fine.. As long as you voice it appropriately.


Bumper sticker on a Ferrari, no. Custom paint job, yes. The latter is more applicable to tattoos I think.

hah your friend called you a mobile ******

If your body is a temple, you might as well decorate it ;) And I would SO but stickers on a Ferrari, if nothing else for the reactions I'd get XD

By saying 'you wouldn't put a bumper sticker on a Ferrari' as a way to show you're against tattoos, you're putting down everyone who has a tattoo. Don't put down people you know. Your friend showed you how it would feel by calling you a Prius. If you didn't like it, imagine how people with tattoos would feel hearing you say those things. And you shouldn't tell people what to do with their bodies, it isn't nice.

I'm a little late to comment, but: I agree with you 100 %. There is kind of a meme online which I agree with. Tattooed people don't care if you're not tattooed. So why do you care? Don't like tattoos? Don't get them and shut up about it. It's not your life, not your body.

Actually i would put a bumper sticker on a ferrari just because its hilarious.

I think getting tattoos is a stupid idea but whatever

Ah friendship you insult the people you love the most.

Hey, I have a Prius and it's pretty ******* awesome getting 50 mpg. Just saying.

Tattoos are art.. Not a silly logo or ad in my opinion. But you do you!


It might be a faux pas to put a bumper sticker on a Ferrari, but I've seen 'em with pin striping!