By kitty shah - 17/06/2012 17:01 - United States

Today, I was having a debate with my friend over tattoos. I used the example that you wouldn't put a bumper sticker on a Ferrari. He looked me in the eye and said, "Yeah, but you're no Ferrari. More like a Prius." FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 228
You deserved it 27 472

Same thing different taste

Top comments

amandalillian 27

I think having your own opinions on controversial topics is fine.. As long as you voice it appropriately.


thenightshroud77 9

I like the Prius cause it has a nice BIG Curve

xxkabammxx 0

I wouldn't think of a tattoo as a bumper sticker... More like a paint job. Who wouldnt wanna get a kick ass paint job on a Ferrari?

cnyatate 2
starlight124 6
Jmerridew124 5

You didn't just walk into that one. You sprinted headlong into it on one of those human conveyor belts at the airport.

DThorn 3

That's a comedian's line, can't remember which though.

Just to make it worse: it would only let me say "you deserved it" as an option for this one. XD sorry dude

first of all Ya tattos are not bumper sticks and why not through one on a Ferrari you should definitly get one lol