By insomniac - 19/06/2009 06:41 - United States

Today, I was finally going to fall asleep at a decent hour. Having insomnia, I generally get about 2 hours of sleep. Right as I'm about to fall asleep, 5 firetrucks decide to drive right in front of my house with the sirens/lights on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 311
You deserved it 4 738

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sure the people whose house was on fire were equally annoyed with this small inconvenience

God, people. I don't see where the OP is complaining that the firetrucks saved someone's life, she's saying that she had the bad luck of the fire happening JUST as she was finally drifting off. You morons giving her a hard time about it are going to be crying when she conks out behind the wheel and takes your SUV out. OP--I feel for you. Insomnia is horrible. I hope you can find something that works.


It amazes me at how everyone is suddenly an insomniac.

Hey guys, the OP didn't say anything that would possibly deemed as an insult toward firemen or emergency personnel — just the fact that 5 vehicles show up by her house. Next time you think she's insulting you or valuing her sleep more than the health of others, read the damn entry.

You need to read it again. She said the trucks decided to drive right in front of her house. Insulting and no concern for the firefighters' safety or the people they were going to help.

firegirl09 0

so let him/her say traffic. and it happened to come by. not "firetrucks" and certainly not "decided"

firegirl09 0

i read it alright. and ida been fine with "vehicles" . or hell even sirens/lights. however, i know for a fact we only use sirens when the streets are crowded, so as to avoid further dangerous situations. late night, empty roads, we dont even use the sirens. the trucks dont "decide" anything. we go where the situation is. next time let her/him tell them respond without lights/sirens so there are plenty of wrecks along the way to the scene, that oughta be nice and peacefull quiet for him/her

#57: And that's an insult how? I might be missing something when that sentence ("5 firetrucks...") automatically implies disgust.

#70-71: I think the thing is though people are assuming the poster automatically has some sort of disgust for the emergency response, which I don't think is it the case. Also, don't the sirens turn off once the engines have reached their destination? I'm probably wrong, but I'm thinking this because I don't think a siren continues once the vehicle is where it needs to be, which would mean that the OP could attempt to rest again after the incident...

You call yourself a writer and you can't see the insult? It's like saying I was late for work because some guy decided to get a heart attack during rush hour traffic.

#95: If you're going to attack me on the basis of my name, then I might as well attack you for your avatar, because it perfectly describes the quality and the amount of pure tosh that you post. Your username is also a rather accurate description of yourself. Your comparison is faulty, because the OP does not have any required destination. And once again, you are putting words in the mouth of the poster, when clearly she did not.

brrrx 0

Boo hoo. Your sleep is so much more important than other people's lives. Your life must really be awful, getting the same amount of sleep as a university student. Poor you. NOT an FML.

Hahaha today, consteruction was going on on top of my house's roof. They decided to hammer, run, and move/drop objects as loud as they could to wake me up. FML

do you stutter when you talk to? or only when you type?

GabriLee 0

How is it that even the people who are trying to be helpful aren't helping? There is no helping this situation. Insomnia is awful, and two hours of sleep a night is not nearly enough. Insomnia is not always getting NO sleep. It is defined as "Insomnia is a common complaint in which the sufferer has poor sleep that is often broken many times during the course of the night." I know how hard it is to function on such little sleep, and it's so frustrating when you can't sleep. I have been where you are many times. Just last night, in fact, so I feel for you. I'm glad the firetrucks responded to the emergency, but it's unfortunate that you almost were asleep when they did. Hopefully your near-sleep is a good sign, though. And to those requesting medication, shut your face. Many people either can't afford sleep meds, don't want to take them, or don't have them available. If meds were an option, I'm sure the OP would have figured that out before you suggested them. And to those suggesting a nap-you can't spend the whole day laying around on a couch just because you're tired. If you can't sleep at night, why would you be able to sleep during the day?

Why are you people assuming the OP is female?

GabriLee 0

Right under the FML by her username, it says 'woman' in parentheses.

Icimmy 0

This is hardly a FML. Although I empathize with the person who can't sleep, I agree with everyone who said she was basically selfish. Insomnia is an awful thing, but the fact is this person was too caught up in her own life to consider the people whose lives were actually in danger. Although many of the comments were calling her mean, it's not so much that as her just needing to slow down and actually take into consideration people other than herself. This is something most of us need to do in every day situations, this is just a prime example of it.

firegirl09 0

kudos on googling the word insomnia.

lenahope19 0

I think the person whose house was burning down had a bigger "FML" than you...

I'm sure someone's already said this, but... f YOUR life? how about f the life of the person whose house is on fire!