By insomniac - 19/06/2009 06:41 - United States

Today, I was finally going to fall asleep at a decent hour. Having insomnia, I generally get about 2 hours of sleep. Right as I'm about to fall asleep, 5 firetrucks decide to drive right in front of my house with the sirens/lights on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 311
You deserved it 4 738

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sure the people whose house was on fire were equally annoyed with this small inconvenience

God, people. I don't see where the OP is complaining that the firetrucks saved someone's life, she's saying that she had the bad luck of the fire happening JUST as she was finally drifting off. You morons giving her a hard time about it are going to be crying when she conks out behind the wheel and takes your SUV out. OP--I feel for you. Insomnia is horrible. I hope you can find something that works.


Oh dear... poor poor you... Ummm, no. Who cares? Think about the people that were probably BURNING TO DEATH while you were nice and snug in you bed. Shame on you for being so selfish.

shooter308 0

Ummm...I'm sorry. It's not like I've ever gone code 3 for the flu, or because someone got a splinter, or because their baby has been crying for 15 minutes. And, I know that every day, your hazmat unit rolls out on cosco busan type situations. Most of the time its an "unmarked" paint can. Well leave the hazmat to the specialists, not the "hazmat fro" types. Get over yourself with your "priority 1" or "code 3". Studies have shown that code 3 or priority or lights/sirens, whatever you want to call it, does not save that much time, and some major cities have adopted tighter restrictions on emergency driving.

firegirl09 0

better safe than sorry. and it does save time. i'm not gonna sit here and have a pissing contest with a random angry person on the internet. all i'm saying is complaining about emergency response vehicles disturbing your rest is incredibly self-centered

Well i'm glad you had enough energy to feel sorry for yourself, whilst someone proberly was having a fire going on at their hourse. The facts (if we look away from the fact that you're self-centered): - You wanted to sleep - You couldn't It will happen more and more.. Oh yea, one more fact: - WE DON'T GIVE A S...

sheheartsthings 0

How dare those firetrucks! Who do they think they are?! Where do they get off?! They should choose a different route! Who cares if it takes longer, as long as they're not keeping YOU up it doesn't matter. Jeez, they should know better! I would file a complaint, maybe even call the president. This needs to be dealt with.

so I'm 11 and I have insomnia most good working meds say u can't give them to kids on the back of box. u r prob old enough to take good brand meds. besides I'm used to it I had it longer than u so far and I still have insomnia. many ppl have insomnia dude

firegirl09 0

i cant be on any kind of medication. i serve with the military and with a volunteer fire dept. i am on call 24/7. so i really dont care about you. at all.

prttyyngthng 0

Drink coffee or an energy drink. I know it will wake you up, BUT you'll eventually crash, and NO ONE can avoid a good ole' fashioned caffeine crash...

firegirl09 0

wrong-o. you might want to find out... like have ANY clue at all.... about what insomnia is.

RNCftw 0

yeah you should probably get back at those stupid people who needed saving from a fire...if i rolled my eyes any harder they'd pop out of my head

music94skater 0

97 ur retarded when you have insomnia you arent "snug" in bed your more like restless and bored

God I souldnt read the comments. Most of you are whiny bitches always finding something to complain about. I am sure the OP wasnt pissed that there was a fire and the fire trucks had to drive by, just a FML because of the timing. I have extreme insomnia. So bad that without very strong sedatives I dont sleep at all. When you dont sleep for days it makes you feel sick and crazy. I had to stop working. Either I couldnt sleep and couldnt concentrate at work to the point of almost getting fired or I have to take sedatives so strong that I fall unconsious right where I am when they kick in. If I was not medicated and was acutally about to fall asleep, any noise, any thought, and movement ruins it. So yeah I would say FML if I was about to sleep and a fire truck or police car came by. I wouldnt be upset that someone needed help, just that the timing sucks and I will be awake for the rest of the night. Some of you need to stop being so judgemental and take something for what it is. Your not a better person for pointing out someones weaknesses.