By insomniac - 19/06/2009 06:41 - United States

Today, I was finally going to fall asleep at a decent hour. Having insomnia, I generally get about 2 hours of sleep. Right as I'm about to fall asleep, 5 firetrucks decide to drive right in front of my house with the sirens/lights on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 311
You deserved it 4 738

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sure the people whose house was on fire were equally annoyed with this small inconvenience

God, people. I don't see where the OP is complaining that the firetrucks saved someone's life, she's saying that she had the bad luck of the fire happening JUST as she was finally drifting off. You morons giving her a hard time about it are going to be crying when she conks out behind the wheel and takes your SUV out. OP--I feel for you. Insomnia is horrible. I hope you can find something that works.


Some retard across the street probably burnt their toast or something.

I'm really sad to hear so many people not understanding how debilitating insomnia is. I have had problems with that my whole life so I completely understand how an obnoxiously loud sirens right when you are desperately trying to sleep would make you just want to- well if it were me I'd probably be hoping that that house burns down lol. When you severely lack sleep even the slightest disruption- even a bird chirping or children laughing- can feel like torture!

i didnt know vehicles had the brain capacity to make decisions. firetrucks decided to go to your house just to wake you

You're really sad to weigh in your own sleep heavier than the lives of others. I'm sure insomnia sucks, but when people could be burnt to a crisp, I'm pretty sure that's worse. STFU.

That sucks! Yeah, people could have died if the trucks hadn't gone, but the OP isn't putting his sleeping above others' lives. He's just saying that it was unfortunate that it happened RIGHT THEN.

just be glad they weren't going to your house, or you probably wouldn't get any sleep

Wahhh. I can't sleep. Someone's house is burning down, you inconsiderate prick!

Chocolate_Chunk 2

Why don't you go around posting "Someone's starving to death in africa, you inconsiderate prick!" on every single FML?

Anderson_J 0

yeah that sucks something like that happened to me but it was 5 a.m. and the fire alarm went off