Leave me alone

By Insomnia - 16/02/2019 00:00

Today, while trying to sleep after a night shift, workers came to hook up city sewage service, firing up drills and shouting. An hour later, my child woke me up to tattle on her sister. Just as I was drifting to sleep yet again, the smoke alarm battery started chirping. I give up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 354
You deserved it 227

Same thing different taste

Top comments

marc hillyer 2

story of my life 3rd shift sucks

Alayna Joyce Christensen 16

Earplugs will become your best friends. but, seriously, start looking for a different shift job. people who have children shouldn't do nights because you will never get enough sleep to function properly. I have worked the graveyard shift myself off and on for 13 years. no kids, and that is the only way I have the chance to sleep decently.


City sewer service? Fancy! You must think you’re hot shit.

At least the smoke alarm chirping isn’t hard to fix

Working night shifts is the worst thing ever let me tell ya

Alayna Joyce Christensen 16

Earplugs will become your best friends. but, seriously, start looking for a different shift job. people who have children shouldn't do nights because you will never get enough sleep to function properly. I have worked the graveyard shift myself off and on for 13 years. no kids, and that is the only way I have the chance to sleep decently.