By ouch - 13/06/2012 16:00 - United States - Lutz

Today, I was cashiering, and a customer's change came to $5.51. She looked pretty stinking rich, so I just gave her $5.50. She demanded the extra penny, and I asked if she really needed it. She said, "No, but they do, asshole," and dropped her $5.51 in the charity donation box. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 619
You deserved it 120 217

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why in the world would you not give someone correct change because they look rich?

I work as a cashier and you sound ridiculous. Why on earth would you not give her HER OWN MONEY because she looked rich?! Even though it IS only a penny, that is technically stealing, you ****.


YDI for not doing your job right. On the other hand she's being cheap for donating a penny. I would have donated the $.51 cents at least.

She didn't donate just the penny, she donated the whole $5.51 so she wasn't being cheap at all, she was trying to make sure ALL the change went to the donation jar.

pengin 13

Do you have any sort of reading comprehension skills?

try reading the post again. the customer donated all of the change. all $5.51.

You're just as self-righteous as OP. I hate it when people think they have the right to judge what other peopke do with their money or how much they donate. If it's not your money, it's not your business.

TheIchiban 11

You fuckbag, they should have fired you. It doesn't matter how rich or how poor a person is to determine if they deserve their exact change on any purchases that they make. Who in the hell do you think you are? You have no right to do such things. You are lucky that wasn't me you did that to because you would be fired by now, with your head up your ass.

DollyDope 17
iveanne 0

Wow, you're a dumbass!!! What gives you the right to brazenly steal from a customer?!! She should get you fired. You sound like a spoiled pretentious prick. Asshole!!!

I worked as a cashier at Walmart, that could be considered theft, you are lucky the customer did not report your act of indescression. In other words, be thankful you still have a job. This is not a FML. YDI.

That was an asshole move. You don't know what she was going to do with that money and it is hers.

If you want my two cents, I think you were just being lazy... Oh wait....

Also, not giving change is theft - great going, douche

If you want my two cents, I think you were just being lazy... Oh wait...