By Anonymous - 29/11/2009 13:49 - United States

Today, I was shopping at the grocery market and was next in line. Behind me was a woman who only had two items, so I nicely let her in front of me, as it looked like she was in a hurry. When she was all rung up, she decided to pay her $16.45 in loose change which needed to be counted out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 147
You deserved it 6 222

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jane99 0

I'm a cashier, I feel for you.

I guess you wish you'd CHANGED your mind about being nice!


mastory96 0

at least she paid. quit your whining, asshole.

Towelie_31 0

#2 I think you're missunderstanding this fml. Why would he care if she pays, op is not the cashier, he let her go infront of him in line to checkout because she only had two items

DeathByFalchion 0

This is why people should pay with exact change whenever they can. Or use a credit card instead.

jane99 0

I'm a cashier, I feel for you.

I didnt know 6 was the new 5. Tbh thats a true fml tho, i wonder if the person with the 2 items did it on purpose to take out change.

hope u didn't have any pressing issues :)

Oh I would told her to go use the coin star.

I guess you wish you'd CHANGED your mind about being nice!

Exactly. Come on, Tigg3r, get with it. *Scoff*

Anthrophobia 2

No good deed goes unpunished.