By ouch - 13/06/2012 16:00 - United States - Lutz

Today, I was cashiering, and a customer's change came to $5.51. She looked pretty stinking rich, so I just gave her $5.50. She demanded the extra penny, and I asked if she really needed it. She said, "No, but they do, asshole," and dropped her $5.51 in the charity donation box. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 619
You deserved it 120 217

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why in the world would you not give someone correct change because they look rich?

I work as a cashier and you sound ridiculous. Why on earth would you not give her HER OWN MONEY because she looked rich?! Even though it IS only a penny, that is technically stealing, you ****.


poorjudgement 26

I'm sorry I don't have more than one vote to say "you SOOO deserve it" as I've never seen a FML that deserved YDI more tgan this one.

missmeggy 3

You sound like a asshole i hope you get fired

She sounds like a much better judge than you. She got it right, asshole.

totheforest84 4

At the risk of thumbs downs for obviousness; you sound like a bad employee.

So not only are you a thief, you also discriminate against customers based on their economic status (or at least what you decide their economic status probably is). I really, really hope you got fired because of this.

c4s0n 1

Way to be an asshole. If I were the customer I would have complained to your manager.

Your life does kinda suck if you're that much of an asshole. I mean, with a case of being that much of an asshole you're surely going to have problems later in life.

YDI for being a presumptuous tool bag. Always, ALWAYS give correct change.

Word!! You are stupid an should be fired!! Lol I can't believe you even wrote a post about this!

Who cares? There tons of different scenarios someone could come up with for any situation and say hey, this is a good point! Only problem is, that's not what happened! So it's completely irrelevant.