By ouch - 13/06/2012 16:00 - United States - Lutz

Today, I was cashiering, and a customer's change came to $5.51. She looked pretty stinking rich, so I just gave her $5.50. She demanded the extra penny, and I asked if she really needed it. She said, "No, but they do, asshole," and dropped her $5.51 in the charity donation box. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 619
You deserved it 120 218

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why in the world would you not give someone correct change because they look rich?

I work as a cashier and you sound ridiculous. Why on earth would you not give her HER OWN MONEY because she looked rich?! Even though it IS only a penny, that is technically stealing, you ****.


You better hope that you don't get fired, OP. If you worked at the store I do, my store manager would've kicked your ass out the door and told you to never come back. You should NEVER withhold change from a customer, no matter how little. If a customer doesn't want their penny, they'll put it in the little bowl, or ask you to.

The only time it is okay not to give the proper change is if for some reason you don't have the proper change (Like if you were out of pennies) and the person is okay with it.

For all of you hating on OP, I've worked a few cashiering jobs where my bank doesn't contain anything less than a quarter. I've had to deny people nickels and dimes before because I can't break their change correctly, to no fault of my own.

Sure, but that's quite a different situation from choosing not to give someone their complete change just because they look rich.

I read it moreso as him having a similar situation and thinking she wouldn't mind if it was just a penny. In the case that he just refused to give it to her, sure, he's a dickbag. But there could be extenuating circumstances preventing him from actually providing the correct change.

Since he gave the penny to her after she insisted on it, I doubt there were extenuating circumstances.

It's their money and you shouldn't short change people!

It was one thing to "forget" and not give her the penny--heck a lot of people don't want pennies. It was another to ask her if "you really need it" instead of just saying, "I am so sorry, here let me get that for you."

Capt_Awesome137 0

OP you are a dumbass. You should be fired for that. I would go to the supervisor

Love, take it from me...I come from a rather rich family and I bitched at a chicken shop attendant for not giving me my penny change! Every penny counts!!

bubo_fml 10

That woman was a poser...A true, rich 1%er would've pocketed the change & said, "**** the poor" as they all do...

pengin 13

hmmmm~~ I think I found someone else making assumptions about people they don't know! :D

Regardless of what you thought her financial status was that was not cool, why is anyone giving this kid an fml? This would have gotten me in trouble when I was a cashier :/