By Anonymous - 27/07/2013 17:51 - Finland

Today, I was babysitting a kid for the first time. She asked if she could watch a movie, so I downloaded Cinderella for her. An hour later, this 10-year-old girl was lecturing me about unrealistic standards of beauty and abusive relationships, and how I suck for liking the movie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 065
You deserved it 8 771

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How is cinderella unrealistic? She drives a pumpkin seems perfectly realistic to me

17, So she can't have a personal opinion that is "correct" unless it follows your opinion? Hell at 10 years old I think it pretty smart she can comprehend that.


littlexlune 16

Ain't nobody gonna like her when she's older. Romantically or otherwise.

I think she is actually displaying a degree of intelligence. I really don't understand the benefit of teaching idealism to kids.

I have to say I like this kid! I don't suppose she's the same girl who pointed out that not all little girls like pink and purple?

If the kid understands that much, go into detail about the context of the movie, when it was made, and the progress over time. You may end up having a long debate with a kid over Disney, but you can't just let a smart kid run, engage the brain!

gatorgirl2669 6

thats good to know that some girls arent stuck on beauty and the expextations of the world... good girl

To be fair, she is not off. That movie isn't the best.