By Anonymous - 27/07/2013 17:51 - Finland

Today, I was babysitting a kid for the first time. She asked if she could watch a movie, so I downloaded Cinderella for her. An hour later, this 10-year-old girl was lecturing me about unrealistic standards of beauty and abusive relationships, and how I suck for liking the movie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 065
You deserved it 8 771

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How is cinderella unrealistic? She drives a pumpkin seems perfectly realistic to me

17, So she can't have a personal opinion that is "correct" unless it follows your opinion? Hell at 10 years old I think it pretty smart she can comprehend that.


Get her 'politically correct bedtime stories' It's a ridiculous and funny book 😁