By Anonymous - 27/07/2013 17:51 - Finland

Today, I was babysitting a kid for the first time. She asked if she could watch a movie, so I downloaded Cinderella for her. An hour later, this 10-year-old girl was lecturing me about unrealistic standards of beauty and abusive relationships, and how I suck for liking the movie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 065
You deserved it 8 771

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How is cinderella unrealistic? She drives a pumpkin seems perfectly realistic to me

17, So she can't have a personal opinion that is "correct" unless it follows your opinion? Hell at 10 years old I think it pretty smart she can comprehend that.


People act like there aren't unrealistic expectations for men as well... have you seen a comic book recently with a male super hero? Talk about unrealistic...

What do you mean? Don't all men have extremely well-defined muscles and can lift cars?

Blame men for that, they're the ones guiding the design decisions.

So men get blamed for everything wrong in society, that's very equal. Like us men got together and all decided what the beauty standards should be. **** your feminist agenda, and **** you. What we live in is a society by accident, the reason we are attracted to different things are because that's how it played out. If this was planned I'd agree with the feminists but we live in an accident, just like the fact that I like cheese.

Should have made her watch Barney or Blue's That'd teach the kid some "realistic" values & not to be such a snob @ 10...what did she expect, some Lady Gaga to show her its ok to look/behave trashy in order to be accepted in this world? Oh, all the little "monsters" nowadays. FYL OP, I feel for you.

I really don't understand where you're going with this. So, because she doewnt agree with the morals of Disney, Lady Gaga is going to give them to her, and she has terrible values?

It's nice that she has her own views and understands sexism at such an early age. She'll make a great feminist when she's older.

DisposableMen 7

Gosh, it's a freaking movie...I wish people would just play along, you know, just for fairy tales or something? gaaah >.<

Agreed, but they also teach you that while you can reach your dreams, those dreams should be to find a smokin' husband and get fancy clothes.

Haha epic kid :D Feminism, you're doing it right :D (And at an early age! (y))

caligirllife 11

She's 10, little too old to watch that and she's not a 90s kid so she wouldn't appreciate it anyways

As much as I like the movie, I will admit that the titular character is rather bland and the messages are a bit muddled. I much prefer the new young adult novel, Cinder, which has better character development.

That kid is awesome. Can I move to Finland and babysit her for you?

thepretender10 4

next time go with Hostel as the movie of choice.